Are you like a lot of people that have toyed with the idea of taking fish oil supplements, but are not sure if there will be side effects or dangers? There has certainly been a lot of coverage about fish oil omega 3 over the past few years, both good and bad. Lets break that down and look at fish oil supplements in a bit more detail.
Positives: Points In Favor Of Fish Oil Supplements
Vitamin Fish Oil
1. Heart Protection
The primary good that the omega 3 from oily fish does is protect your heart. It does this in several ways, the main of which is by reducing the amount of plaque build up in the blood. Just about every health organization around the world recognizes this fact and encourages us to consume more of it.
2. Inflammation Reduction
Another good reason for taking these supplements is inflammation reduction. This offers the additional advantage of protecting you against a number of health issues including arthritis, strokes and unexpected fatal heart attacks. The reason behind this is that we have way too much omega 6 in our diet which causes inflammation and the increase of omega 3 helps balance the ratio out and bring inflammatory levels down.
3. Nourishing Your Brain
Then there is nourishing your brain. That's very important as you might well imagine. Your brain comprises of a fat called DHA which diminishes over time. The omega 3 from oily fish contains this fat and helps replace it in your brain. This helps prevent you developing a poor memory and poor concentration, as well as protecting you from illnesses such as bipolar, schizophrenia and possibly even Alzheimers. Whenever you take that into consideration, then it seems sensible to take these supplements.
The points above show the positive aspects of fish oil supplements. There exists a dark side too. Here's a discussion of some of the negatives.
Negative Aspects: Arguments Against Fish Oil Supplements
1. Possible Pollution
If you ever take fish oil supplements, you could be at risk of possible pollution. This is because the oils in the fish sometimes contain contaminants such as mercury, lead and PCB's. There is no way that that could be a good thing. It might be a factor in avoiding taking action.
2. Fishy Burps
Often a side effect of taking fish oils supplements is fishy tasting burps. This is caused by the fish being frozen before processing which makes it rancid. When you take a supplement made with rancid fish then it will repeat on you and it tastes disgusting.
These two "Cons" are major cause for concern, and you will find they effect the vast majority of supplements
However, if you know what you are looking for when choosing fish oil supplements. You can actually avoid these problems and just experience the "Pros" of taking these kind of supplements. Regarding contamination, you just need to ensure that the product you use is molecularly distilled. This process is very effective at removing the pollutants. As for the fishy burps, you just need to ensure the product you buy is made from fish that are caught and processed on the same day without being frozen. If you want to take these types of supplements then you will pay a little more, but it is worth it because of the health benefits anyway.
So that is it. Now we have considered and reviewed the pluses and minuses of fish oil supplements. It's not ideal for just anybody, nevertheless it is great for many. So, you'll want to carefully evaluate the above information and comparisons. This review should help you to be prepared for making the right decision.